Top Medical Doctors in Calgary (2025)
Compare trusted healthcare providers in Calgary. Rankings based on patient reviews, quality of care, and comprehensive provider data.
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Top Rated (10 providers)
Maud Medical Clinic
A highly-rated physician with over 591 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Metro City Medical Clinic Calgary
A highly-rated physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Now Medical Clinic & Walk in - Open Until 11:00 PM
A highly-rated physician with over 2762 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
One Medical
A highly-rated physician with over 193 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Torrent (Sage Meadows) Medical Centre
A highly-rated physician with over 182 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Daleridge Family Practice & Walk-in Clinic
A highly-rated physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Saluté Family Medicine
A highly-rated physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Chaparral Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician trusted by 70 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Health Plus Medical
A well-regarded physician with over 103 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Savanna Medical Centre
A well-regarded physician with over 256 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Highly Recommended (15 providers)
Erlton Family and Walk-in Clinic
A well-regarded physician with over 154 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Calgary West Central Primary Care Centre
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
West Hillhurst Health Clinic
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
simons valley family clinic
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Affinity Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician with over 234 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Rockyview Medical Clinic (Calgary Walk in and Family Practice)
A well-regarded physician with over 134 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Cares Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician with over 125 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Chinook Medical Centre
A well-regarded physician with over 121 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Family Care Medical Center
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Valley View Family Practice
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
SantiMed Family & Walk-In Clinic
A experienced physician with over 412 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
London Medical Centre
A experienced physician with over 137 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
CalgaryMD Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 88 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Calgary West Medical Centre
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
South Calgary Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 213 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Recommended (26 providers)
Crescent Medical Centre
A experienced physician with over 127 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Westglen Medical Centre
A experienced physician trusted by 94 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Forest Hills Medical Clinic
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Valley Ridge Family Physicians
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Royal Vista Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 139 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Thorncliffe Family Clinic
A experienced physician with over 135 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Franklin Health Clinic
A experienced physician with over 128 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Braeside on 24th Medical Walk-in Clinic
A experienced physician with over 181 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Glamorgan Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 159 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Saddlebrook Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 161 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
North East Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 126 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Medicentres Country Hills Family Care Clinics
A experienced physician with over 214 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Primacy - One World Medical Centre
A experienced physician trusted by 83 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
My Health Walk In and Comprehensive Care Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 77 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Prime Health Care Medical Centre
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Mount Royal Medicentres Family Care Clinics
A experienced physician with over 273 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Saddletown Walk In Clinic
A experienced physician with over 167 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Downtown Medical Clinic Calgary
A experienced physician with over 122 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Primacy - Calgary Trail Family Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 86 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Medical Express
A experienced physician with over 183 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Pineridge Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 75 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Capitol Hill Family Practice
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Faj Medical Clinic (Family practice and Walk in Clinic)
A experienced physician with over 316 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Anchor Health Medical Clinic - Family Practice & Walk-In
A experienced physician with over 294 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Skyview Family Care Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 98 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Mission Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 298 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
How We Rank Healthcare Providers
Our comprehensive ranking system takes into account multiple factors to ensure you find the best healthcare providers:
- Patient Ratings (40%): Verified patient reviews and overall satisfaction scores
- Review Volume (25%): Number of patient reviews and feedback
- Services Offered (15%): Range and quality of healthcare services
- Language Support (10%): Availability of multilingual services
- Insurance & Accessibility (10%): Insurance coverage and new patient acceptance
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