Top Medical Doctors in Edmonton (2025)
Compare trusted healthcare providers in Edmonton. Rankings based on patient reviews, quality of care, and comprehensive provider data.
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Top Rated (10 providers)
Family Health Medical Centre
A highly-rated physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
100 Avenue Family Medical Clinic
A highly-rated physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Whitemud Crossing Medical Clinic
A highly-rated physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Ravine Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Evergreen Family Medicine
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Health Pro Walk-in and Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician with over 148 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Unlimited Medical Centres
A well-regarded physician trusted by 61 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Pro Care Medical Clinic - Downtown
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Magrath Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Dr Dennis Wong
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Highly Recommended (15 providers)
Dr. Colliton
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Family MDs
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
The Mill Creek Medical Centre
A well-regarded physician with over 163 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
PrimeMD Family Health Clinic
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Callingwood Crossing Medical Clinic
A well-regarded physician with over 613 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Clinic 1 Medical
A well-regarded physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Family Health Centre
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Southwell Medical Centre
A experienced physician trusted by 76 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Magna Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 113 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Apollo Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 87 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Vital Care Medical Clinic
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Dr. Adeleye Lemi Adebayo
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Allin Clinic
A experienced physician with over 226 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Primacy - Clareview Family Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 56 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Family Care Clinic
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Recommended (25 providers)
Terwillegar Family Clinic
A experienced physician with over 148 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
66th Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 66 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Westmount Medical Clinic & Walk-in
A experienced physician with over 164 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
UC Medical Clinic - Mill Woods
A experienced physician serving the community, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Kensington Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 562 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Riverview Medical Centre
A experienced physician with over 398 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Medicine Place Walk-In Clinic & Pharmacy
A experienced physician with over 141 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Beverly Towne Medical Clinic & Walk-in
A experienced physician with over 112 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Urban Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 87 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Primacy - Calgary Trail Family Medical Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 86 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
North Edmonton Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 290 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Eastwood Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 277 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Family Care Medical Center
A experienced physician with over 181 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Windermere Plaza Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 299 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Main Street Family Clinic
A experienced physician trusted by 81 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Northtown Medical Centre
A experienced physician trusted by 61 patients, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Shifa Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 230 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Gracepoint Medical Clinics
A experienced physician with over 162 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Galaxy Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 155 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Nova Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 198 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Family First Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 148 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Kingsway Medicentres Family Care Clinics
A experienced physician with over 285 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Eastgate Medical Centre
A experienced physician with over 176 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Current Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 170 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
Manning Medical Clinic
A experienced physician with over 222 patient reviews, specializing in comprehensive patient care. Offering a wide range of medical services including preventive care, chronic disease management, and general health consultations.
How We Rank Healthcare Providers
Our comprehensive ranking system takes into account multiple factors to ensure you find the best healthcare providers:
- Patient Ratings (40%): Verified patient reviews and overall satisfaction scores
- Review Volume (25%): Number of patient reviews and feedback
- Services Offered (15%): Range and quality of healthcare services
- Language Support (10%): Availability of multilingual services
- Insurance & Accessibility (10%): Insurance coverage and new patient acceptance
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