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Top 50 Healthcare Providers in Gatineau (2025)

Rankings based on verified patient reviews, overall ratings, and quality of care metrics. Updated for 2025.

Top massage therapys in Gatineau


Om Massage Santé Holistique

5.0 (563 reviews)
69 Rue Thomas # 2
English French
Accepting Patients

Zen-Origine Massothérapie, Yoga, Pilates & Gym

5.0 (261 reviews)
381 Boulevard Maloney E
English French
Accepting Patients

ManoSPA - Massage Therapy | Massothérapie

5.0 (218 reviews)
731 Boul. Alexandre-Taché
English French
Accepting Patients

Physio Avantage Plus | Physiothérapeute, ostéopathe, massothérapeute et nutritionniste à Gatineau

5.0 (179 reviews)
1030 Boulevard Saint-Joseph local 6
English French
Accepting Patients

Spa l'Horizen

5.0 (123 reviews)
1 Rue Isabelle
English French
Accepting Patients

Pro Massothérapie

5.0 (74 reviews)
155 Boul. Saint-René O Local 201
English French
Accepting Patients

Centre TMO - Physiothérapie - Ostéopathie - Massothérapie - Hull et Gatineau

5.0 (58 reviews)
79 Bd Saint-Raymond
English French
Waitlist Only

Le Lotus Du Bien-être Spa Urbain SFD

5.0 (48 reviews)
48B Av. Gatineau
English French
Waitlist Only

Clinique VitaMasso

5.0 (46 reviews)
221 Chem. Freeman suite 110
English French
Accepting Patients

Ortho Énergie - Centre de santé & Spa urbain

5.0 (41 reviews)
651 Rue Jacques-Cartier
English French
Accepting Patients

Top physiotherapists in Gatineau


Physio + Hamel

5.0 (344 reviews)
455 Bd de la Gappe #308
English French
Accepting Patients

Physio Avantage Plus | Physiothérapeute, ostéopathe, massothérapeute et nutritionniste à Gatineau

5.0 (179 reviews)
1030 Boulevard Saint-Joseph local 6
English French
Accepting Patients

Spécifik Performance Gatineau

5.0 (106 reviews)
15 Rue Buteau #101
English French
Accepting Patients

Centre TMO - Physiothérapie - Ostéopathie - Massothérapie - Hull et Gatineau

5.0 (58 reviews)
79 Bd Saint-Raymond
English French
Waitlist Only

Clinique De Physiothérapie Cranio-Cervicale & Temporo-Mandibulaire

5.0 (20 reviews)
15 Rue Gamelin bureau 602
English French
Accepting Patients

Action Sport Physio Gatineau

5.0 (16 reviews)
10 Allée de Hambourg suite 210
English French
Accepting Patients


5.0 (14 reviews)
150 Bd Saint-Raymond
English French
Waitlist Only

Physio Outaouais

5.0 (12 reviews)
2368 Rue Saint-Louis #201
English French
Waitlist Only

Clinique De Physiotherapie Greber

5.0 (12 reviews)
908 Boulevard Maloney E #201
English French
Accepting Patients

Arthrite & Plus Physiothérapie

5.0 (9 reviews)
14 Rue Jeanne-d'Arc
English French
Waitlist Only

Top chiropractors in Gatineau


Chiro Gatineau

5.0 (251 reviews)
445 Boulevard Maloney E
English French
Waitlist Only

Spécifik Performance Gatineau

5.0 (106 reviews)
15 Rue Buteau #101
English French
Accepting Patients

Clinique Chiropratique Alinea

5.0 (89 reviews)
156 Bd Saint-Raymond
English French
Accepting Patients
Accepting Patients

Clinique Chiropratique St-Joseph

5.0 (46 reviews)
673 Bd Saint-Joseph
English French
Accepting Patients

Clinique Sante Chiropratique

5.0 (36 reviews)
245 Rue de Cannes
English French
Accepting Patients

Clinique Chiropratique Alinea - Aylmer

5.0 (31 reviews)
25 Rue Principale
English French
Waitlist Only

Dr. Mercedes Lopez

5.0 (27 reviews)
25 Rue Principale
English French
Accepting Patients

Clinique Chiropratique de Gatineau

5.0 (20 reviews)
392 Mnt Paiement
English French
Accepting Patients

Chiro de Gamme

5.0 (12 reviews)
137 Av. Gatineau
English French
Waitlist Only

Top optometrists in Gatineau


Altitude Optométrie Gatineau

5.0 (132 reviews)
705 Rue Davidson O Local 1
English French
Accepting Patients

Chicco Optique Masson

5.0 (43 reviews)
1007 Chem. de Masson
English French
Accepting Patients

Deschamps Marie-Josee Dr

5.0 (4 reviews)
390 Boulevard Maloney E
English French
Accepting Patients

Chicco Optique

5.0 (4 reviews)
2310 Rue Saint-Louis
English French
Accepting Patients

Dre Nathalie Renaud, optométriste

5.0 (1 reviews)
147 Bd d'Europe #104
English French
Accepting Patients

Dr. Tina Hueftlein O.D.

5.0 (1 reviews)
383 Bd Gréber
English French
Accepting Patients

Dr. Tina Hueftlein O.D.

5.0 (1 reviews)
147 Bd d'Europe #104
English French
Accepting Patients

Les Lafleur Optométriste Opticien

4.9 (91 reviews)
119 Rue Wellington
English French
Accepting Patients

Laboratoire Visuel - Optométristes et Opticiens

4.8 (428 reviews)
54 Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
English French
Waitlist Only

OPTOPLUS - Gatineau - Centre Visuel de l’Outaouais

4.8 (159 reviews)
1160 Bd Saint-Joseph
English French
Accepting Patients

Top dentists in Gatineau


Clinique d'Hygiène Dentaire Gatineau

5.0 (34 reviews)
170 Boulevard Maloney E
English French
Accepting Patients

Centre Dentaire de La Vérendrye

5.0 (2 reviews)
425 Bd la Vérendrye E
English French
Waitlist Only

Clinique dentaire Dre Catherine Morin-Houde

4.9 (156 reviews)
1160 Bd Saint-Joseph Bureau 125
English French
Waitlist Only

Clinique Dentaire Öra

4.9 (97 reviews)
860 Boul. Saint-René O suite 202
English French
Accepting Patients

Clinique Dentaire Dre Marie-Ève Costisella

4.9 (54 reviews)
920 Bd Saint-Joseph
English French
Accepting Patients

Dental Clinic Dr.Mansouri

4.8 (208 reviews)
260 Bd Saint-Raymond suite 111
English French
Accepting Patients

Chiasson Chantal Dr

4.8 (138 reviews)
207 Bd du Mont-Bleu #201
English French
Accepting Patients

Centre dentaire de Gatineau

4.8 (134 reviews)
381 Boulevard Maloney E
English French
Waitlist Only

Centre Dentaire Ricard & Tran

4.8 (96 reviews)
337 Bd Saint-Joseph
English French
Accepting Patients

Dufresne Nguyen Dental Center

4.8 (22 reviews)
661 Bd Saint-Joseph
English French
Waitlist Only

Top doctors in Gatineau


Institut de santé Klinik Pam - Clinique Soins Infirmiers, Prise de sang Gatineau

5.0 (29 reviews)
225 Bd de la Gappe Porte 8
English French
Waitlist Only

Boucher Carl Dr Orl

5.0 (11 reviews)
290 Bd Saint-Joseph
English French
Accepting Patients

Dr. Elise De Cotret

5.0 (10 reviews)
818 Boulevard Maloney E
English French
Waitlist Only

Médecin de famille

5.0 (6 reviews)
15 Rue Jos-Montferrand
English French
Accepting Patients

Clinique du Dr Jean-Serge Lalonde

5.0 (5 reviews)
455 Mnt Paiement
English French
Accepting Patients

Bouthillier Jean Dr

5.0 (3 reviews)
214 Bd de la Cité-des-Jeunes
English French
Waitlist Only

Dr Charbonneau

5.0 (2 reviews)
English French
Accepting Patients

Dr. Natalie Gomez

5.0 (1 reviews)
15 Bd Montclair
English French
Waitlist Only

Dr. Marc Regimbal

5.0 (1 reviews)
520 Bd de l'Hôpital
English French
Accepting Patients

Physiatre privé Gatineau

5.0 (1 reviews)
86 Prom. du Portage
English French
Accepting Patients

How We Rank Healthcare Providers

Our rankings are based on multiple factors to ensure we're providing accurate and helpful recommendations:

  • Patient ratings and reviews
  • Number of verified reviews
  • Years of experience
  • Professional credentials
  • Availability and accessibility
  • Range of services offered

Understanding Our Rating System

Each provider receives a comprehensive rating based on:

  • Overall patient satisfaction (50%)
  • Quality of care metrics (30%)
  • Facility and staff ratings (20%)